The Battle of the Bogside

The Battle of the Bogside

Constant civil rights abuses against the Nationalist community, which constituted the majority of Derry’s population, was a major factor that led to the start of “The Troubles”. Civil rights protestors were met with violence at the hands of Loyalists and off duty members of the RUC in the Burntollet bridge incident just outside Derry. When the marchers arrived at Derry, many of whom were injured, fights quickly broke out between supporters of the march and the police. That evening, police officials broke into homes in the Bogside, assaulting and terrorising Nationalist civilians while using abusive sectarian language. 

An Apprentice Boys parade that commemorated the Protestant victory in the Siege of Derry in 1689 sparked outrage as it passed close to the Nationalist area of the Bogside. A massive riot erupted between the Nationalist population and the Loyalists and RUC. The riots lasted for days and the police were unable to enter the Bogside. The British Army was deployed which led to the spread of violence across the North of Ireland. During this time an iconic mural was painted on a gable wall at the entrance to the Bogside that reads “You are now entering Free Derry”. During this period, Republican patrols secured the area from police and military incursion. 

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