The Land of Enchantment (October 2017)

This collection of photographs was taken over a three-day period in early autumn across the centre of Northern New Mexico. The weather varied drastically from sunny and mild to snowy and grey. The elevation in these locations varied from 7,000 to 11,000 feet above sea level.

Oban (July 2016)

Oban is a town in the Western Highlands of Scotland in the Argyll and Bute council area. The bay makes a perfect horseshoe shape and is sheltered from the open sea by the island of Kerrera. The town itself grew around the Oban Distillery and is a popular tourist sight in Scotland since it is easily accessed by rail.

Scottish Nationalists Greet the Queen (2nd of July, 2016)

On the second of July, 2016 the Queen of England made a speech as she opened the fifth session of the Scottish Parliament.  On the 23rd of June, 2016 The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a move known as Brexit. Scotland voted against Brexit. As the Queen of England addressed the Scottish Parliament, members of the Scottish National Party, the second largest party by membership in the UK, took to Arthur’s Seat, the main peak of the hills in Edinburgh, to protest in favour of Scottish Independence in the wake of Brexit.

ó thauidh Aontroim (2014 - 2016)

Photographs from along the Northern coastline of County Antrim, Ireland.

Snowfall in Stirling (January 2017)

I was fortunate enough to arrive in Stirling at the exact moment that the snow began to fall. When it all stopped there was roughly four centimetres of snow on the hillsides. The city is located in the centre of Scotland where the Lowlands end and the Highlands begin. Stirling straddles the River Firth and was historically of strategic importance.

West Belfast Graffiti Collections (July 2014)

Graffiti in West Belfast & Dissident Republican Graffiti 

City of the Dead (January 2016)

The Glasgow Necropolis is a Victorian era cemetery built on and surrounding the base of a giant hill overlooking the city. The Necropolis contains roughly 3,500 monuments and with 50,000 individuals buried here, it is truly a city of the dead. I entered the Necropolis just after sunrise on a cold and rainy day, so I was the only living person on the hill when I took these photographs. 

Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland (2016 - 2017)

The Scottish Highlands & The Scottish Lowlands

Inverness (January 2016)

Inverness is located on the mouth of the River Ness as it meets the Moray Firth along the North Sea. The City is regarded as the capital of the Scottish Highlands. 

The Silver City of Aberdeen (January 2016)

Aberdeen is nicknamed Granite City or Silver City because the buildings are made of local grey granite with a high mica content that will sparkle and shine when it catches sunlight. The city is also important for the oil off the shores in the North Sea.

The Giant's Causeway (2014)

The Giant's Causeway is one of the most notable attractions in County Antrim. Roughly 40,000 interlocking columns of basalt were the result of a volcanic eruption about 60 million years ago. According to legend, the Irish Giant Fionn mac Cumhaill built the causeway to battle a Scottish Giant named Benandonner. In one version of the tale, Fionn defeats Benandonner. In the other version, Fionn outsmarts Benandonner, who is larger in stature, and causes him to retreat back to Scotland, breaking the bridge behind him. 

Graffiti for the Craic (2015 – 2016)

These are a couple of the best humorous instances of graffiti I encountered in the North of Ireland. These were taken for the craic.

Odds and Sods (2014 - 2016)

North of Ireland, Kansas City, Edinburgh

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