Graffiti in West Belfast, 2014

July 2014

Free Prisoners of War

Graffito on Beechmount Avenue in West Belfast that reads, “Free All POWs”. It was unclear whether the graffito was in support of Irish prisoners or many international prisoners with whom republican groups express solidarity. Artistic expressions of solidarity with Palestine and the Ba...

RPG Avenue

A street sign at the intersection of Beechmount Avenue and Falls Road, labelling Beechmount as “RPG Ave” due to the history of violent conflict in the area during The Troubles. 

Loyalist Graffito in the Shankill

An example of the graffiti that is common in the Shankill area of Belfast. The Shankill is a Loyalist area in West Belfast that is separated from the Falls Road by walls. 

Identity Crisis

Graffito in the Falls Road area of West Belfast. The political divides between nationalist groups occupying the same communities leads to arguments in identity categories that developed due to colonialism and sectarianism. 

Boston College Touts

The Boston College Tapes were recordings of oral histories fro individuals directly involved in paramilitary groups during The Troubles between 1969 and 1994. Individuals from Republican and Loyalist communities participated in the project. Participants were promised the contents of the tapes wou...

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