Scottish Nationalists Greet the Queen

2nd of July, 2016

On the second of July, 2016 the Queen of England made a speech as she opened the fifth session of the Scottish Parliament.  On the 23rd of June, 2016 The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a move known as Brexit. Scotland voted against Brexit. As the Queen of England addressed the Scottish Parliament, members of the Scottish National Party, the second largest party by membership in the UK, took to Arthur’s Seat, the main peak of the hills in Edinburgh, to protest in favour of Scottish Independence in the wake of Brexit. 

Alba gu bràth

Members of the Scottish National Party take their places atop Arthur’s Peak overlooking the Queen of England’s visit to Parliament and the parades down Royal Mile. 

Vote Aye

A young Scottish Nationalist carries a flag that reads “Something Inside So Strong, I’m still Yes, Hope Over Fear”. The flag references the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum which failed to pass by a narrow margin.

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