The Giant's Causeway


The Giant's Causeway is one of the most notable attractions in County Antrim. Roughly 40,000 interlocking columns of basalt were the result of a volcanic eruption about 60 million years ago. According to legend, the Irish Giant Fionn mac Cumhaill built the causeway to battle a Scottish Giant named Benandonner. In one version of the tale, Fionn defeats Benandonner. In the other version, Fionn outsmarts Benandonner, who is larger in stature, and causes him to retreat back to Scotland, breaking the bridge behind him. 

Road to the Causeway

A view of the road as it descends to the Giant's Causeway. 

The Giant's Causeway

The iconic basalt columns of the Giant's Causeway in North Antrim.  

Dancing on the Causeway

A friend of mine's feet as she leapt from rock to rock along the waterline, in a sort of dance. 

droichead Fionn mac Cumhaill

Finn McCool's Bridge. According to legend, the causeway was a bridge to Scotland built by Finn McCool, an Irish Giant to fight a rival Giant. A similar basalt column formation can be seen in the West of Scotland. 

The View from the Causeway

A view of other geological formations along the North Antrim coast from the basalt columns of the causeway. 

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